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Baby Face

The silicon Fuzz Face, only tiny

Baby Face might just be the world's smallest Fuzz Face. Don't let its pinchable cheeks fool you, this little box absolutely roars just like the full sized (too big) unit. Baby Face comes in vintage gain (blue LED) and hot gain (red LED). Featuring meticulously picked silicon transistors, you suffer none of the temperamental changes that come with germanium. These transistors were chosen to deliver the maximum amount of old school warmth as possible within their respective gain ranges. Vintage gain sits right in the gain values of holy grail germanium units, while the hot adds more modern saturation. The control layout is simple. The "Fuzz" control is set to max, exactly where it should be. The mini knob on the back sweeps the bias of Q2, changing the midrange and texture along the way, eventually landing at a starved, broken, dying battery sound. The recessed trim pot is the master volume (tiny screwdriver included with purchase). It fits on your board, it is absolutely ruthless, and it is full of vintage flavor. This is the fuzz you need.

  • Fixed gain control set to max

  • Extenal Bias control for fine tuning your fuzz

  • Two gain options, Vintage and Hot

  • Maximum efficiency for your board


Baby Face is built into a 1590lb enclosure, features side mounted jacks, and a top mounted AC power jack. 9v center pin negative. Do not exceed 9v.

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